Anurag recently stated to a movie database portal that he had given varied
briefs to different performers on the picture and that this wacky method
had been worthwhile.
According to his comments on IMDb India, “that scenario was once a
three-page scene on paper.” Indeed, today was the very first day of
filming. Also, this was the first time I’d ever collaborated with Girish
Kulkarni and Rahul Bhat. Rahul was overly ready for the scenario, and
Girish was the only one of us who had actually read the script. I had given
him a hand because he was a writer. However, I had not discussed the play’s
plot with Vinit and Rahul. I couldn’t tell them about my filming plans
because they had no idea what it was. While we were running through the
scene in rehearsal, I had a thought. I was really arbitrary with my
direction of the various actors.