After the conclusion of the trial, 41% to 64% of the participants reported
improvements in their body discomfort and physical function, as well as
increased capacity to walk that was objectively measured. In addition,
65–72 per cent of people with osteoarthritis symptoms reported decreased
discomfort in their knees and hips. In addition, 41% of patients unable to
walk 400 metres in less than seven minutes before surgery can now do so
after undergoing surgery.Only some metrics improved; for instance, the amount of medicine taken for
back pain before and after the weight loss surgery stayed the same during
the trial. It is also important to note that not everybody saw a reduction
in their distress and an improvement in their physical function. Due to the
absence of a control group that did not undergo weight loss surgery, it is
difficult to determine whether the beneficial changes seen were the result
of the surgery and whether one form of weight loss surgery is superior to
improvements in their body discomfort and physical function, as well as
increased capacity to walk that was objectively measured. In addition,
65–72 per cent of people with osteoarthritis symptoms reported decreased
discomfort in their knees and hips. In addition, 41% of patients unable to
walk 400 metres in less than seven minutes before surgery can now do so
after undergoing surgery.Only some metrics improved; for instance, the amount of medicine taken for
back pain before and after the weight loss surgery stayed the same during
the trial. It is also important to note that not everybody saw a reduction
in their distress and an improvement in their physical function. Due to the
absence of a control group that did not undergo weight loss surgery, it is
difficult to determine whether the beneficial changes seen were the result
of the surgery and whether one form of weight loss surgery is superior to