body. It could be the little noises you make when your joints move.
Otherwise, it could be different types of noise coming from the stomach. It
could be gas release, all these sounds are coming from the body. Den Lady,
a gastroenterologist at the University of Chicago Medicine, says that
sometimes people feel uncomfortable when they can hear sounds from their
stomach. Doctors are analysing about why these sounds are coming.. Why
are these actions coming from the stomach? It is called the sounds coming
from the contraction and expansion of the smooth muscles of the stomach. It
is said that these sounds are coming from actions like pushing the food you
take down to your small intestine, as well as pushing it into the large
intestine. In medical terms this is called Barboredmus. More simply ,
gastroenterologists say don’t think of your stomach like a washing machineAs you eat, food, liquid, and even air pass through the digestive tract,
There is a kind of pressure that goes along with it. Medical experts
believe that this is what causes these sounds. Also, when there is hunger,
there is a sound signal from the stomach. Here’s another thing to
note….suppose you go to a pizza center and smell it in the kitchen…then
the brain gets active and sends some sort of signal to the stomach. How
this happens is that your brain tells your stomach to release the
hunger-inducing hormone ghrelin. At exactly the same time, your intestines
as well as your stomach receive signals to contract. So this sound you hear
comes from the contraction of the stomach intestines. It means that the
stomach muscles express hunger.
If you don’t feel hungry…..even if there are different kinds of sounds
coming from the stomach, then it should be said that it is a sign that the
digestive process in the stomach is somewhat problematic. According to
doctors, some food items such as peas, nuts, cabbage, broccoli, and
cauliflower break down after entering the stomach, which means that the
process of digestion is somewhat complicated. Also, some artificial
sweeteners, such as gummy sweeteners, can be very difficult to diggest.
Even then, it is said that the sounds come from the stomach due to the
process of digestion.
Even if you are hungry, you get rumblings.. . If you don’t get enough
protein food… Stomach makes strange rumblings. Also in cases of over
eating., i.e. in cases of taking Big Meal, stomach sounds are also heard.
Noises occur when taking alcohol or even taking Fat Meal. So it is
necessary to consider ,what the coming sounds are about.
So it should be noted that the sounds coming from the stomach are just a
normal process. It may be related to hunger. It may be related to the
digestive process.. Apart from that, if there are any abnormally loud
noises, then you should think about it seriously. Gastroenterologists say
that doctors can be consulted then. Along with these sounds, pain,
bloating, changes in bowel movements, and problems with defecation are also
advised to consult a doctor.