The ‘ Rule of Two’ is a helpful tool for people with asthma to track their
symptoms and take proactive steps to manage their condition.By following this rule, people with asthma can catch changes in their
symptoms early on and work with their doctor to make necessary adjustments
to their treatment plan. The Rule of Two is a basic guideline. Each person
should have an individualized asthma management plan according to their
needs and medical history in consultation with their doctor.
symptoms and take proactive steps to manage their condition.By following this rule, people with asthma can catch changes in their
symptoms early on and work with their doctor to make necessary adjustments
to their treatment plan. The Rule of Two is a basic guideline. Each person
should have an individualized asthma management plan according to their
needs and medical history in consultation with their doctor.
A person should schedule an appointment with their doctor to review their
asthma treatment plan if they do one or more of the following:
Use their quick-relief inhaler (rescue inhaler) more than twice per week
and wake up in the middle of the night more than twice per month with
symptoms of asthma, such as: coughing, heezing, shortness of breath ,
refill their quick-relief inhaler more than two times per year.