Your skin produces very less or no collagen. The elasticity of your skin
drops, and as a result, you lose skin fat. Hormonal changes cause your skin
to sag and result in dryness. Fine lines and wrinkles are also because of
these hormonal changes, experts say.
Tips for healthy skin after menopause:
Cleansing: This step becomes more crucial as you age. Your skin gets drier
as you age so choose a moisturizer that is creamy and it should hydrate
your skin.
Hydrate: Your oil glands become inactive when you age so opt for a
hydrating moisturizer and stop taking long hot showers. Drink lots of water
and stay hydrated.
Antioxidants: When you menopause your estrogen and collagen levels drop.
These are essential to keep your skin plump and tight. Eat foods that are
bright in colour and contain antioxidants to keep your skin plump and tight
from the inside.
Workout: Exercise daily as apart from keeping you fit it helps in reducing
stress and it boosts blood circulation. This helps in making your skin look.