Good news for those whose appetites are stoked by the heat of spicy foods:
In addition to making your mouth water and your head perspire, peppery
foods have many other benefits. Evidence suggests that eating spicy foods
can aid in weight loss, cardiovascular health, and — surprise! — the
digestive system.
According to Patricia Bridget Lane, a licensed dietitian/nutritionist,
“spicy food is a hot topic in nutrition – no pun intended.”
In addition to making your mouth water and your head perspire, peppery
foods have many other benefits. Evidence suggests that eating spicy foods
can aid in weight loss, cardiovascular health, and — surprise! — the
digestive system.
According to Patricia Bridget Lane, a licensed dietitian/nutritionist,
“spicy food is a hot topic in nutrition – no pun intended.”
So, let’s tuck down and see why spicy food is good for you.