and rural parts of India as people feel the disease “Atalamma” adverse
impact of goddess. Even after vaccination, not only children, youths at age
of 23 also were suffering with chikenpox every summer.Doctors stress need to visit a physician soon after identified
symptoms rather than keeping patient at home. Dr. Ravi Sreenivas, physician
said providing anti viral, pain killers and ointments would control
spreading of rashes on the body. Applying Fucidin ointment will give big
When to see a doctor
Doctors usually can diagnose chickenpox by examining the rash and
considering other symptoms. Your doctor can also prescribe medications to
lessen the severity of chickenpox and treat complications, if necessary. To
avoid infecting others in the waiting room, call ahead for an appointment
and mention that you think you or your child may have chickenpox.
Also, let your doctor know if:
The rash spreads to one or both eyes.
The rash gets very red, warm or tender. This could indicate a secondary
bacterial skin infection.
The rash is accompanied by dizziness, disorientation, rapid heartbeat,
shortness of breath, tremors, loss of muscle coordination, worsening cough,
vomiting, stiff neck or a fever higher than 102 F (38.9 C).
Anyone in the household has a problem with his or her immune system or is
younger than 6 months.