Spanish researchers enlisted 355 males with newly diagnosed prostate and
seminal vesicle cancer (adjoining glands that produce semen). Two groups of
males underwent hormone therapy: one for four months and the other for 24.
Everyone received high-dose radiation.
Long-term therapy only helped males with high-risk prostate cancer after
ten years. 67.2% of these guys avoided PSA elevations that indicated
worsening malignancy. 53.7% of men with high-risk cancer who underwent
hormone therapy avoided PSA rises. 78.5% of high-risk males who received
long-term hormone therapy were alive after ten years, compared to 67% of
those treated for four months.
Hormonal therapy duration didn’t affect intermediate-risk prostate cancer
patients. Four individuals with intermediate-risk malignancy acquired
deteriorating, body-wide cancer. Two were in the short-term group, and two
were in the 24-month group. No intermediate-risk patients had died from
prostate cancer after ten years, regardless of hormone therapy duration.
seminal vesicle cancer (adjoining glands that produce semen). Two groups of
males underwent hormone therapy: one for four months and the other for 24.
Everyone received high-dose radiation.
Long-term therapy only helped males with high-risk prostate cancer after
ten years. 67.2% of these guys avoided PSA elevations that indicated
worsening malignancy. 53.7% of men with high-risk cancer who underwent
hormone therapy avoided PSA rises. 78.5% of high-risk males who received
long-term hormone therapy were alive after ten years, compared to 67% of
those treated for four months.
Hormonal therapy duration didn’t affect intermediate-risk prostate cancer
patients. Four individuals with intermediate-risk malignancy acquired
deteriorating, body-wide cancer. Two were in the short-term group, and two
were in the 24-month group. No intermediate-risk patients had died from
prostate cancer after ten years, regardless of hormone therapy duration.