incomplete, inaccurate information, highlighting the potential risks of
using as a health information source information. A study on mpox
(monkeypox) and connected videos on social media observed not well
studied. “We have analysed the video content, information quality, and
audience engagement of mpox-related videos on TikTok”, researchers said.
Using a hashtag-based searching strategy, the team identified 2462
mpox-related videos on TikTok from 1 January to 11 August 2022; 85 were
included after exclusion criteria screening. Videos were evaluated for
content on features and treatment of mpox. Video and information quality
was assessed using the DISCERN instrument and the Journal of the American
Medical Association (JAMA) criteria.
Of the 85 videos, two assessed all content topics and highlighted 33%
of all content items in clinical guidelines. The overall average score for
the videos was 39.56 of 80 on the DISCERN instrument and 1.93 of 4 on the
JAMA criteria. No video met all JAMA criteria. Subgroup analysis based on
author identity suggested the variance in video scores by source (p<0.05
for all). Overall scores were higher for videos produced by doctors and
science communicators than for those made by institutional users, nurses,
and the general public.