Emerging research suggests that certain facial signs can indicate elevated
cholesterol levels, a major risk factor for heart disease. These signs may
include cholesterol deposits around the eyes, pale or yellowish patches on
the eyelids, and a grayish appearance of the skin. Recognizing these visual
cues is crucial, as high cholesterol often goes unnoticed until it leads to
cardiovascular problems. Early detection can prompt individuals to make
lifestyle changes and seek medical guidance to manage their cholesterol
levels effectively.
cholesterol levels, a major risk factor for heart disease. These signs may
include cholesterol deposits around the eyes, pale or yellowish patches on
the eyelids, and a grayish appearance of the skin. Recognizing these visual
cues is crucial, as high cholesterol often goes unnoticed until it leads to
cardiovascular problems. Early detection can prompt individuals to make
lifestyle changes and seek medical guidance to manage their cholesterol
levels effectively.